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Where: Online
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Time: 12 - 1pm

To make good decisions you need broad, accurate and up-to-date data. Your internal data is only a small part of the picture. To win, you must link your data to relevant information from the world outside.

Join Bryan Smith and Luna Feng of ThinkData Works and Amir Hajian from Thomson Reuters and find out how commercial banking, wealth management, and capital markets teams use shared data to win.

After this hour-long session, you'll know:

    • How external data fits into their enterprise data strategy

    • How to generate more value from investments in Hadoop, Spark, and other Big Data tools

    • What open data is and how it can create value

    • How to use external data to better understand customers, prospects, and investments

    • How Open PermID and ThinkData Works integrate external data and share it across the enterprise

    • How to manage access and risk to shared data

    • How ODX can help you find and use open data provided by governments across Canada, free of charge

About the Panelists

    • Tyler Jacques (Moderator) | Community Manager & Market Analyst, Canada's Open Data Exchange (ODX)

    • Luna Feng | Data Scientist, ThinkData Works Inc.

    • Bryan Smith | Co-Founder and CEO, ThinkData Works Inc.

    • Amir Hajian | Sr Data Scientist, Thomson Reuters Labs

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