Cober is a 100-year-old communications company founded in Waterloo Region, working just south of downtown Kitchener on Strasburg Road. From humble beginnings – a single foot-powered printing press in a family-owned corner store – Cober has amassed a small army of clients for their printing business by offering... Well, the kind of service that keeps you in business for 100 years.

Now, the century-old company is pivoting. Adapting to changing markets has meant expanding the services they offer, and Cober has evolved well beyond print. Though they remain the experts in putting ink on paper, they're now delivering content through digital, interactive and integrated services focused on strategy and metrics.

Growth, adaptation, and innovation is bred into the bone at Cober: "evolving" used to be their middle name. It's an approach that has kept them at the forefront for 100 years; by embracing the new digital tools coming out of tech hubs like Waterloo Region, they plan to stay ahead of the pack for 100 more.