It wasn't a long time, but it was certainly a good time when Brad Feld dropped by the Communitech Hub Thursday.

Feld, the 47-year-old Foundry Group managing director, TechStars co-founder, author, marathoner and all-around good guy from Boulder, Colo., was on his first visit to Waterloo Region.

Over about six hours at the Communitech Hub, he toured the space, met entrepreneurs, spoke about how to build a great startup community and helped judge a sold-out Startup Smackdown before returning to Toronto for an early-morning flight out.

Feld left us with much to mull over and plenty to be proud about, which I'll expand on here in due course. For now, I'll leave you with what he told me at the end of a long day.

Q - So, what did you think of your day here?

A - I thought Communitech was awesome. I had a great day here.

I didn’t really know what to expect because I hadn’t been to Waterloo before, and I thought the community was extremely vibrant.

There’s a huge amount of people who are working on the right kinds of things, and the energy level is off the charts, which is really, really fun to see.

Q - Did anything in particular stand out from what you usually see in startup communities?

A - I think the concentration of all of the different activities, including the accelerator, the university incubators, co-working space, event space, a bunch of entrepreneurs, the community space, is very powerful.

You see it in some other places, and it’s starting to appear in a more structured way in Chicago at 1871, or in D.C. at 1776, those two buildings. But this is a really mature example of it; it feels really built-out and not just well-organized, but extremely well-run.

It was nice to see, because I think there are a lot of people who aspire to have this at the core of their startup community, but it’s very hard to do, and it’s clear that this has been a lot of hard work over a number of years.

Q - So if you got home and (your wife) Amy asked, ‘How was Waterloo?’, what would you say?)

A - I’d say I had a great time.

I would tell her that I spent the entire time inside one building, so I didn’t really see Waterloo, but I saw Communitech, and I thought it was really cool.