Amid clear skies and a warm late-summer breeze, the 2015 Waterloo Innovation Summit launched into action Wednesday, with a tour of the region’s top innovation hotspots.

The sold-out conference, which has drawn 250 attendees from across North America and around the world, is taking an in-depth look at how great innovation ecosystems are built.

Top thinkers including economist/author Mariana Mazzucato, Silicon Valley sage Steve Blank and venture capitalist Ajay Royan will address key issues today and Friday at the University of Waterloo and Communitech, who are co-hosting the summit.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne kicked off the official program this morning, in the university’s Quantum-Nano Centre. She began with a quip about traffic delays on her trip to Waterloo Region from Toronto, a nod to one of the key challenges to be overcome in building a Toronto-Waterloo innovation corridor.

Communitech News will provide end-of-day wrap-ups of the proceedings. For more frequent updates, check in on the Waterloo Innovation Summit blog page throughout the event, and follow #WINS15 on Twitter.