One day you find yourself tinkering in your workshop, trying to make something happen. Then Kickstarter happens and suddenly you have hundreds of people telling you they believe in your idea.

We would like to thank everyone who funded this project, our friends and family, our mentors, and the community for their support. It took many people pulling together to make this Kickstarter campaign a successful one. A special thank you goes out to Communitech and the Accelerator Center for giving us a place to thrive. Even with delays, we were able to fulfill all of the orders within one year (okay a little bit over one year).

As for the future of Structur3d, we have begun regular orders of the Discov3ry. The plan is to work with partners and retailers to get the Discov3ry into more peoples’ hands.

“This Kickstarter campaign helped bring together a group of people interested in 3D printing soft materials. We’ve worked hard to get the Discov3ry to you, our backers, and we truly look forward to seeing what you create.”

- Charles Mire