Skywatch scales access of satellite data down from over a week to just minutes

Written by: Michael Chan | 11 November 2016 | Data driven innovation

Have you ever wondered what you can do with satellite data? Apparently a heck of a lot. Geospatial data is being applied in commercial applications ranging anywhere from crop analytics, to studying traffic patterns, to measuring global warming. The possibilities for applications are increasing as more data is released.

It is estimated that the number of satellites launched in 2020 will be 25X greater than the number we’ve seen in the last decade. This data will drive huge economic opportunities - that is if you can find it. Not surprisingly, satellite companies do a great job building satellites but do a poor job in marketing and providing access to their data. That’s where Skywatch comes in.

Skywatch started out building NASA award winning software for leading astrophysicists allowing them to analyze data from space observatories in near real time.

With over a decade worth of experience in the space industry, the Skywatch team has now launched a platform that aggregates free and commercial satellite data providing anyone with the API access they need to create world changing applications. This platform takes the time for the discovery and access of satellite data down from over a week to just minutes. James Spifierz, CEO of Skywatch, says, “The potential for satellite data, both free and commercial, will grow from a $2B to a $200B market. The key for Skywatch is unleashing that potential by making it drastically easier for people to discover and consume this data.”