On Thursday, September 28, Joseph Bou-Younes will join a panel on measuring civic innovation at MiC 2017 -- the 2017 Conference of the Municipal Innovators Community. The panel will discuss how to best tell the story of innovation through the use of data: collecting data, visualizing it, and building a compelling narrative.

Founded in Barrie, Ontario in 2015, the Municipal Innovators Community is a free network for municipal employees of all levels and functions to share ideas. MiC's goal is to enable continuous improvement and a "repeat after me" culture to spread innovations across Canada. It's run by and for front-line municipal staff.

Other speakers at the conference include best-selling author and Order of Canada recipient Lawrence Hill, Ontario Chief Digital Officer Hillary Hartley, and Martha Lenio, shortlisted to be one of Canada’s next astronauts.

Learn more about MiC 2017, read about our civic innovation program, the ODX Civic Challenge, or contact us to learn more.

Keep an eye on our Twitter tomorrow for highlights from MiC 2017