
Welcome to the Communitech Grow Factor Links We Love blog. This week we’re taking a look at better ways to define your company, how corporate storytelling is replacing traditional news, ways to advertise your product in other countries and more.

Get settled in and enjoy catching up on news and tips your midsize to large business needs to know.

This week we love:

What do Starbucks, Apple, and McDonald’s have in common? They find unique ways to expand their business by defining their company. Via gives us five lessons in how brands like the Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Nike, and Oreo run successful marketing campaigns in other countries.

How past, present and future clients can help you generate business leads, by Ryan Caligiuri in the Globe and Mail.

This Financial Post article outlines three reasons Canada’s jobs data today might be ‘extraordinarily misleading,’ and why it could make future business planning a problem.

"There are no shortcuts to knowledge, especially knowledge gained from personal experience. Following conventional wisdom and relying on shortcuts can be worse than knowing nothing at all,” said Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz in his new book, The Hard Thing About Hard Things. Business Insider pulls the entrepreneur, former CEO and successful venture capitalist’s top 10 brilliant business lessons from the book.