
Welcome to another edition of Links We Love, Communitech’s Grow Factor blog to keep you in the loop. We’ll fill you in on midsize-to-large business news and trends you need to know, might have missed or just need a re-cap of this week.

This week we love:

Ian Cullwick gives some solid reasons as to why big companies should act like startups in the Globe and Mail.

Have you thought of the importance of tapping into your social streams, and the impact knowing your customers can have on overall success of your company? This Digiday article describes why General Motors is bringing its social media data in-house, and how it’s working for them.

In 2013, 36% of small-to-medium sized businesses attracted a customer from their Twitter marketing campaigns. We think that your large-size enterprise can take some cues from these guys, so here’s 15 stats you should know. Via HubSpot.

In this Harvard Business Review video, David Roche, President, Global Lodging Group at Expedia, explains how to create a marketplace for great ideas.

This Communitech article from one of our own, Trish Crompton, explores how a medium-sized Waterloo Region business is making 3D printing the norm.

From left to right: GMC ad from Google+; David Roche of Expedia, Inc video still from Harvard Business Review; Logo of Conference Board of Canada from The Globe and Mail; Twitter bird from Hubspot; Hyphen Services' 3D print model from Communitech