
This week’s Communitech Grow Factor Links We Love post is jam-packed with articles we think you’ll simply love, too. We shine a spotlight on Oscar winner Jared Leto and his business side, take a look into understanding big data, and highlight Wi-Fi tech stats that businesses must know.

This week we love:

Paul Metselaar, CEO and chairman of Ovation Travel Group, shares his frequent-flyer secrets that could save your business time and money. Via Inc.

In the digital age, when information is transmitted faster than ever before, here’s how to use social media during a crisis from Proflowers in Inc.

50 incredible Wi-Fi tech statistics that businesses must know, by Extreme Networks CMO Vala Afshar, on SlideShare.

Jared Leto, a recent Oscar winner for his Best Supporting Actor role in Dallas Buyers Club on Creativity, Commerce, And Lessons From Surviving A $30 Million Lawsuit. Via Inc.

Silicon Angle explores unlocking business insights in the data-driven enterprise, and putting the power of big data in the hands of users.

Images from left to right: Inc frequent-flyer secrets that could save your business time and money; actor photo from jaredleto.com; Slideshare from 50 incredible Wi-Fi tech statistics that businesses must know; illustration from putting the power of big data in the hands of users.