
This week has been a busy one here at Communitech Grow Factor. We know you have been too, and you deserve a little break. Here’s a list of links we think will be helpful to your midsize to large business, to inspire you and get you to through next week.

This week we love:

The Canadian economy grew faster than expected in the fourth-quarter of 2013. Via msn.com.

Danae Ringelmann, founder of the largest global crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo, discusses her favourite topic with VentureBeat: crowdfunding and change-making.

Facebook made some changes to its news feed this week. Here’s what you need to know in order to use updates to generate more reach for your brand. Via Mashable.

Rob Domagala has a brand reality-check while unpacking a new product, and writes about making the mundane memorable in his post in DX3 Digest.

We all know that Internet searches drive customer engagement and sales, and we could all use some reminders on how to quickly and easily optimize our SEO. Here are 6 steps to take today to improve your Google search results, via Entrepreneur Magazine.

Successful people are all about giving advice, but ever wonder what was the best thing anyone ever told them? Business Insider compiles the best advice 45 well-know successful people ever received.

From left to right:

Select tips from the best advice 45 well-know successful people ever received; Facebook like icon for Here’s what you need to know in order to use updates to generate more reach for your brand; Danae Ringelmann from crowdfunding and change-making; Google search results from Entreprenuer Magazine6 steps to take today to improve your Google search results; Canadian dollar for http://on-msn.com/1crMJUS; Nest from DX3 Digest making the mundane memorable.