Want to network with other app devs and learn about the latest in development for RIM and BlackBerry including Playbook and the BB 10 OS?

The KW BlackBerry Developer Group is the place to meet. The Group has been meeting for about 18 months now and starts a new series of monthly meetings leading up to the launch of BB 10 later this year.

The KW BlackBerry Developer Group is the ‘official’ dev group for the area sponsored by local app developer Motek Mobile and coordinated by Wes Worsfold (@wors) and Attila Schmidt (@schmood). BlackBerry Developer Groups provide local area developers with the opportunity to share learnings and interests, network with other developers and receive ongoing support from other members.

This month’s meeting is being held Thursday, May 10th between noon and 1 PM at the Communitech Hub, Jelly Bean room.

This meeting will focus on two topics – The first topic is BlackBerry 10 and the exciting events and announcements following last week’s BB 10 JAM and BB World conferences held in Orlando including some app demos on the dev alpha BB 10 devices. The second topic is developing apps for the BlackBerry Playbook. Local app developer and KW BB Dev Group member Daniel Bingham will share his successes and ‘lessons learned’ developing apps for the BlackBerry Playbook.

For meeting details and to RSVP, please visit http://on.fb.me/ICap9Y. ‘Like’ the Group page on Facebook to receive updates on group activities and meetings. You can also follow the group on Twitter @KWBBDev.

For more information on the Group contact Wes Worsfold, wes@motekmobile.com or on Twitter, @wors.