With $5,000 start-up capital on the line, our Canon small business panel takes an in-depth look at each Get Started entry. All of the qualities they look for, like a strong business plan and unique selling position, are exemplified in April's Get Started winner – Sportopolis.
An avid soccer fan and local sports enthusiast, Farhad Ramezani was distressed at the lack of stores near him that sold high-quality gear catering to soccer, rugby, volleyball and yoga. It was this problem, and Farhad's passion, that served as the building blocks for his small business, Sportopolis.

As a former soccer player and active member of Vancouver's sports community, Farhad has an insider's perspective that allows him to cater to the specific equipment needs of his customers. Using his own experiences, he has been able to set his sporting goods store apart from the rest.

With a recent surge in Vancouver's retail market, a great location, and his own sporting knowledge, Sportopolis seems destined for success. The only problem that remained was getting the word out. Something Farhad says the start-up capital will help with.

"The Canon Get Started Small Business Grant will help Sportopolis get word out in the community. This grant comes at a crucial time for a business like ours: a family-run business that has just launched. Many small businesses struggle because they lack the capital required to sustain them through the early months, when customers are often unaware of the new business. The Get Started Grant will enable us to tap into costly advertising opportunities and to participate in community events that will help us connect with our market base and establish our name in the community. We are pleased to be part of Canon's initiative to help small businesses flourish across the country."

And we couldn't be more pleased to help.

Keep up with Farhad Ramezani and his small business story at Sportopolis.ca. And to see how your small business can be the next winner, click the link below and tell us how we can help you Get Started.
