Who cares about user experience?

The short answer is anyone who cares about building a successful product. Yet in some cases, “UX” is still an afterthought, if it’s thought of at all.

This Sept 22 and 23, leading UX minds will converge on Waterloo Region for Fluxible, a new conference that highlights the increasing importance of design for the area’s fast-growing community of digital entrepreneurs.

The conference is the creation of Bob Barlow-Busch and Mark Connolly, the co-champions of uxWaterloo, a monthly peer-to-peer group hosted by Communitech. They organized Fluxible in response to the rising interest they noticed among digital innovators in deploying design to give their products a winning edge.

The event will feature 16 world-class speakers, including Sweden’s Dan Gärdenfors of Research In Motion (formerly The Astonishing Tribe), who will deliver the keynote address. Hands-on workshops are also on the program, covering topics that include design foundations, using personas in design, designing for tablets, optimizing graphic usability, and user research hacks.

Attendees who register by July 31 will save $200.