Date: Feb. 10, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Location: MaRS Centre, CR-3, 101 College Street, Toronto, ON

Since early 2013 there has been increasing calls for North American regulators to democratize the way the public can access and purchase private equity deals via the Internet in a manner available in other parts of the world. In December 2013, Saskatchewan became the first Canadian province to adopt equity crowdfunding and this was followed by seven other provinces proposing equity crowdfunding models. These proposals open up new means for entrepreneurs to raise capital from the general public but also introduce new requirements for a). Issuers who wish to raise capital, b). Public investors and c). Portals that post the offerings.

This seminar will provide a view of the challenges ahead and what an entrepreneur can do to run a successful campaign and is suited to all stages of business development.

Join us at this MaRS Best Practices event, where Carlos Pinto Lobo, Chief Compliance Officer with the SVX, will:

    • Discuss the status of crowdfunding
    • Explain the Equity Crowdfunding’s regulatory environment
    • Give 10 + 1 Tips for Entrepreneurs who wish to launch a campaign

Register here.