Communitech hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sept. 19, 2024, gathering board members, founders, partners and staff at the Hub to reflect on achievements over the past fiscal year and set the stage for the future. 

In her opening remarks, Catherine Graham, Chair of the Communitech Board of Directors, spoke about the resilience of both the tech sector and the founders at the heart of Communitech's mission. 

“Over the past year, we’ve felt the lingering effects of the pandemic,” Graham said. “In the tech sector, this meant dealing with financial pressures, challenges in securing talent and adapting to new workplace models. At the same time, we’ve also seen incredible advancements in AI, quantum, medtech and more.”

Catherine Graham speaking at Communitech Annual Meeting

Source: MegpiePhotography

Communitech continued to focus on building connections within the tech ecosystem. The Hub welcomed hundreds of people to a variety of events over the past year, including breakfasts, pitch showcases, roundtables and an Open House

“We’re also thrilled to keep doing what we do best—bringing people together,” Graham said. “It’s fantastic to see such a great turnout today. The Hub has been buzzing over the past year.”

Graham highlighted two flagship events on the horizon: Techtoberfest presents Investorhaus on Oct. 10 and Tech Jam on Nov. 13.

Chris Albinson, Communitech President and CEO, followed with an overview of Communitech’s refreshed three-year strategy and highlights from the Communitech 2024 Annual Report.

“We’re building a supportive ecosystem to give founders the best growth opportunities,” he said. “We’re here to support Canadian founders. We’ll also keep listening, adapting and seizing new opportunities.”

Albinson acknowledged the strength of Waterloo Region—home to over 29,700 tech workers over the past year. He also praised the region's recognition as the top small tech talent market in North America in a recent CBRE report for the second year in a row. 

“We’ve been proud to call Waterloo Region home since 1997,” he said. “A strong region is key to a strong province and a strong country. We’re going to keep Waterloo Region on the map as the best place to build a family and a company.”

Chris Albinson speaking at Communitech Annual Meeting

Source: MegpiePhotography

He also touched on Communitech’s four strategic pillars—talent, capital, markets and community—and celebrated the programs and resources that have connected founders with opportunities to learn, adapt and grow.

“Our mission remains the same, to help founders start, grow and succeed,” Albinson said. 

Matthew Klassen, VP of External Relations, discussed Communitech's ongoing efforts to engage with policymakers at all levels of government. 

Communitech members have engaged directly with the Premier of Ontario, the Deputy Prime Minister, federal and provincial cabinet ministers, opposition critics and senior officials on key issues such as AI, cybersecurity, pension reform, national defence, procurement, immigration and capital gains.

“At Communitech, we are the voice of the founder with all levels of government, but nothing beats having our founders front and centre, engaging with elected officials,” Klassen said. 

In closing, Albinson previewed upcoming initiatives and shared his enthusiasm for what’s to come. 

“We’re focused on bringing the best opportunities to founders and finding ways to build a supportive ecosystem,” he said.