Got a big app idea? You’ve come to the right place.

Startups are invited to apply for a 6-month residency in the BlackBerry Jam Space.

BlackBerry has set up shop in the Communitech Hub, and it’s not your typical workspace. The BlackBerry Jam Space exists to engage, collaborate and share new ideas with developers. Get training, onsite developer support and programs that allow you to explore BlackBerry as a viable and exciting mobile platform.

If you meet any of the following criteria, and are interested in free space in the Communitech Hub, fill out this form.

You are an early stage mobile development startup with a strong go-to-market strategy

You are currently, or are planning on building your app for BlackBerry 10

You are planning on building out a BBM channel

Hurry, tenancy application closes January 30, 2013. Apply now: