Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are opening up new possibilities for startups to develop innovative products and services across industries like health care, finance and retail. The benefits are promising, but barriers such as limited knowledge and the challenge of adopting AI with trust and ethical standards can slow down progress. Communitech is partnering with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) to break down some of these barriers through its Machine Learning Exploration program, arming founders with the tools they need to accelerate AI adoption and build in-house capabilities.

Founded in 2002, Amii is among Canada’s top three AI centres of excellence as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. The non-profit institute supports world-leading research in AI and ML and guides companies in adopting innovative AI technologies. Through this partnership, Amii will offer startup programming to selected Communitech founders through a five-week workshop series and training sessions. Founders will gain a solid grasp of AI concepts and technical knowledge as they integrate AI and develop clear AI adoption strategies that work with their business goals. They’ll also benefit from one-on-one coaching at the end of the workshop series.

Building trust in AI

Amii’s Machine learning Exploration program will be offered through the Good AI program at Communitech. The program was implemented to help founders understand the value of ethical AI and how to implement a “by design” approach that embeds ethical AI at the start of product development.

Good AI is structured into three tiers. The first tier of support equips founders with foundational knowledge and awareness of ethical AI principles and practices through a variety of paid and no-cost educational initiatives, including events, online resources and webinars. The second and third tiers focus on supporting founders in developing and implementing ethical AI strategies tailored to their specific needs and goals. Founders work with expert service providers and receive support including coaching sessions, AI implementation roadmaps, ongoing integration support and measuring AI impact.

While there’s a push to adopt new innovative technologies faster, it’s important to do so responsibly, ensuring it benefits both society and businesses. By prioritizing trust in technology, more businesses can confidently integrate new technologies, ultimately improving productivity.

Tackling Canada’s productivity problem

Canada’s productivity has decreased for 11 out of the past 12 quarters. Productivity is measured by how much gross domestic product (GDP) a country makes for every hour worked. The higher the GDP per hour, the more productive the country is. In 2022, according to OECD data, Canada produced $1.13 USD in GDP every minute. Meanwhile, some other G7 countries like France ($1.39), Germany ($1.45) and the United States ($1.50), had higher productivity.

Several factors have influenced productivity in Canada over the past few years. New technology is driving efficiency across various industries, but an aging population and gaps between available skills and job requirements are impacting labour productivity. Changes in global trade patterns and market conditions are also influencing the competitiveness of Canadian industries.

Accelerating the adoption of AI

A 2023 study by Desjardins showed that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are digitally mature tend to grow faster and are more resilient. AI powered innovations and in-house capabilities may offer one part of the solution because they can help free up more time and resources in our economy. However, according to the Business Data Lab’s 2023 Q1 Canadian Survey on Business Conditions Report, only six per cent of Canadian businesses plan to bring AI into their operations in the next year.

Understanding how to build in-house AI capabilities can give SMEs an edge for a number of reasons. AI can improve efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up the team to focus on higher-value, strategic work. It can also help improve decision-making by analyzing large amounts of data to uncover insights and patterns often difficult for humans to detect, helping startups make better-informed choices about product development, marketing and other key business areas.

For founders taking part in programming offered through this partnership between Communitech and Amii, support will be provided in developing clear roadmaps for their projects. Every company venturing into AI adoption has a unique path. Depending on their challenges and goals, some may opt for ready-made solutions to speed up market entry, while others may prefer customized solutions for long-term value and differentiation.

Ideal program candidates

Companies with a scalable software-based product or service in the market that don’t have AI or ML in their products but are considering the adoption of these technologies in the next year or two are ideal candidates for the program. So are companies that have AI or ML at their core and need support prioritizing where to start, without necessarily having products in the market.

The program also values companies that are able to commit to the five-week program, bring multiple attendees – particularly senior leadership members encompassing both technical and non-technical roles – and have an existing data infrastructure and are already collecting data.

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